Passionate About Christ!

Hi everyone this is the first post onto this blog and it's all about our Passion For Christ. 

"Passion" to some may mean romantiscm and connected with love and even puppy love for that matter.

But you see it's actually more than that. For you see the word 'Passion' comes from the Latin word 'Passio' meaning 'Suffering'. Simply put, to be passionate about anything or for something for that matter means simply that we have a suffering for it (like an addiction and the only eternal fix is Christ Himself!). 

So you see friends this is exactly what we're all about. We're passionate about Jesus and his work and his people(the church). We have a Suffering, a holy want, a Godly desire for more of Christ to be made manifest through us to a world that desperately needs him. In the movie Superman Returns, Superman speaks with Lois Lane on top of the Daily Planet Building (bear in mind that superman wasn't around for 5 years, hence the name Superman Returns).Lois says to Superman, "The world doesn't need a saviour".
"But everyday I hear people crying out for one", Superman responds.
How true are those words. People say they don't need a saviour but in fact even the atheist in his heart of hearts cries out for one. For a saviour to deliver us from our sin saturated circumstances that we find ourselves in daily. 

This blog serves the purpose to teach and encourage all passionate believers to be relentless in their pursuit of God.

This blog will post articles from different authors including myself once a week every Friday unless otherwise stated.

See you soon, 
 Much Blessings,  



  1. Thank you so much for setting the stage for us to learn more and pursue a passionate relationship with Christ our saviour


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