When God Stops - Book Review: Courtesy Of Struik Christian Media

This book by Dr. Derek Grier is quite simple and yet sophisticated in nature.

The book is divided into eight chapters, of which he takes eight New Testament people from Scripture and shows how Jesus dealt with them. At the end there is a summary of each chapter explained in a few points. Thereafter a few questions follow that makes all that was read in the preceding chapter very personal to the reader. The author asks questions that hits to the  core of a person's inner being.

His teaching is quite expository as he deals with texts from scripture line by line. He makes it easy for the ordinary reader to latch onto some important biblical truths that would have been otherwise difficult to understand.

He has the ability to provoke the readers' thought patterns by making it personal. At the end of each chapter he mentions his own story of how God worked in his life and brought him to the place that he is in right now.

I admire his blunt honesty as he shares experiences that changed his understanding of God. He grips the attention by easily connecting important values that are backed by scripture.

Personally I thoroughly enjoyed chapters five and six. He talks much about prayer and the importance of understanding how God operates on the earth.

This book would be of great service to all but most especially to leaders. I believe it will motivate them to continue persevering even through some of the most darkest moments of minìstry. It would be a great encouragement from one leader who has faced some depressing moments and overcame to another leader who may think it's the end of the line.

I encourage you to read this book for yourself and then to pass it on, or simply get a copy for your leader or pastor. It is a great tool that would bring much encouragement to them.

Much Blessings,


We are thankful and show much appreciation to Struik Christian Media(SCM) for allowing us the opportunity to do these reviews and to provide our readers with good christian literature. 

You can contact Struik Christian Media (SCM) or check out their latest titles and offerings on their website. 

This book is available from leading bookstores and online booksellers. Follow Struik Christian Media on Facebook for new book announcements, giveaways and exciting content: https://www.facebook.com/struik.christian.media/


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