The Heart Of Man

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
~ Jeremiah 17 vs 9 - 10, (ESV)

In recent weeks gone by, here in South Africa and around the world everyday we see the terrors that light up our television screens and the headlines in our papers. And for others it's a reality that's taking place at their doorsteps. It only proves one thing - the heart of man is wicked! And we see that in its purest form.

For those of us who can't even fathom for a second how the hearts of others can allow themselves to doing things that are detestable, the question we ask ourselves is What can we do if there is anything that can be done?

I believe the answer is quite simple:

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" 
                                         Micah 6 vs 8 (ESV)

What holds us back from doing good? What keeps us from bringing justice to those who need it? Why do we hate more than love? How hard is it to be kind? And most importantly why is it so hard to walk with our God in humility?

These are questions we need to ask ourselves and others to move in the right direction and get things started.

All man cares about(that includes every single one of us) is money and power. And we see this happening throughout the world today.

"So Pilate said to him, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?” Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin.”
                              Luke 19 vs 10 - 11 (ESV)

Jesus' response to Pilate should prove to us all about who really has power. Man may think he has power to do as he wishes, satisfying himself whilst hurting others. We see this across the world especially in Afghanistan right now. But rest assured one thing is certain - God still sits on the throne and the power that man thinks he has is limited in every way possible. 

A few days ago while watching the news my heart went out to the innocent women and especially the children, my heart broke to see those images of children crying and people hanging on to planes. And I asked the question "Why God, why do they have to suffer?"  And the response tore my heart wide open as the Lord responded by reminding me that HE still sits on the throne! It doesn't matter what man thinks he can do because it is God who makes the final decision! That's something no matter how cliche it may sound that indeed He is still in control! 

There are many who hate the Lord Jesus, but one thing is most certain, that when the time does come no matter who we are.."Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." (Romans 14 vs 11, Philippians 2 vs 10).

The heart of man is wicked but the heart of God is pure Love. 

My encouragement to all who read this, take refuge in your God and walk Humbly with Him. And Remember HE still sits on the throne and that will NEVER Change!!!


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