For It Has Been Granted To You...(Part Two)

"For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake" [Phil 1:29] Part 2 We saw from part 1 of this series that many people have not only designated themselves editors of God’s word but that this editing ill-prepares them and the churches they lead for hard times. But how can one escape the teaching about suffering from Genesis through to Revelation? Which of God’s servants has not been through difficult times? Which of them has not endured hardship like a good solider of Jesus? The greatest of them went through thick and thin, and though they may have failed at some stage in life, their hearts were fully given to the Lord nonetheless. People love the success of Abraham, Joshua, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, the apostles; John, Peter, and Paul to name a few of God’s servants but they do not want to look at what they went through for them to be victorious. How I wish everyone had a copy ...