The Gathering Of The Believers

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." ~ Hebrews 10 Vs 24-25 (KJV)

Have you noticed that within the past two years the decline of Church attendance? Whilst at a certain time it was necessary for viewing services online, but now that things are changing once again and we're accelerating back to a place that is close to being normal as was in pre-covid times, attending church has never been more necessary in these times.

In this short article we're not addressing the reasons as to why one would choose not to be in church but to name a few reasons as to why we need to actually BE IN CHURCH, although at times it may overlap.

As the writer to the Hebrews talks about not neglecting the gathering of the saints, we must come to understand that whilst digital formats of service was necessary for a time, the in-person gathering of the saints is of much more importance. A coming together is unlike sitting in front of a screen or even to the extreme of not wanting to be in church because of past hurts or back-sliddeness. The atmosphere is different when people come together. 

If you say you're a Christian, then being a part of a church is quite necessary as breathing is to the body. A person cannot confess to being Christian and not be a part of the church. (Some of you may disagree with that statement but I must remind you once again, we're talking about being in a corporate gathering together with others who profess the same). 

Gathering together is more than just 'Playing Church', it is when people come together with a specific mindset to honour God and bring glory to Him through worshipping together and growing spiritually together. In our coming together we are being equipped to do good works that not only builds the church in number but also in quality, so much more than just concerning ourselves quantity. We have people who portray in humility the character of God.

A coming together reveals who we truly are and exposes our motives before everyone else around us. Worshipping and growing together is of utmost importance.

As I once heard this statement that makes so much sense in these post modern days. There are three different kinds of people in the church setting, "Those who come on Sunday mornings to mark themselves present show how much they love the church building, then there are those who attend Sunday evenings show how much they love the Pastor and there are those who attend prayer meeting reveal how much they love God."  Just think about it for a moment, Church is packed on Sunday mornings but come the mid-week prayer meetings, there's just a handful of faithful people who come earnestly seeking God in Prayer. Who are the faithful?

My desire is that you would be convicted in the understanding that every single meeting is important and not just Sunday mornings. The early church met every single day and they had less comforts than we do today! So what's holding you back? Is it tiredness? They worked more than twelves hours a day and mostly in the heat and made themselves present! Or is it transport issues? Most churches today provide transport and if not am quite sure that a brother in all Christlikeness wouldn't mind picking you up and giving you a ride..all you have to do is just ask! The early church met everyday of the week and most walked. No one ever complained. For most of them, the coming together in fellowship was a matter of life and death. They knew what was at stake! 

In connecting with others, we also connect with God. It's the only way to be built up. While your personal devotions are necessary, coming together is a whole lot better.
 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27 vs 17 (KJV)

My deepest desire as you read this that you would have a renewed desire to be found in God's house all the time in His presence with His people. 

Many Blessings,



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            The Passionate Believer


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