Can You Hang On To Your God?

"But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the LORD do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” " Ruth 1 Vs 16 - 17 (ESV)

Noami wanted Ruth to go back to her own family after Orpah took the offer and left. Ruth refused. She wanted to stay with Noami because now that's where her loyalty lies, to be with Noami and look after her.

There are so many lessons we can learn from Ruth and there are so many books and sermons out there. For example, Ruth teaches us so much on divine providence, hard work and if you look even closer there are principles on courtship too.

Imagine with me for a moment. How could Ruth say those words to Noami after everything she has experienced. She saw Noami losing her husband and then her two sons, one of which was Ruth's husband. They had no protector nor a provider. They simply had lost everything. And if that was simply not enough, she was walking into the unknown with Noami wanting to go back to Bethlehem.

After witnessing all these things, she wanted Noami's God to be her own? This God who seemingly took everything away from Noami. Now that is FAITH! There is no such thing as 'risk-faith' because Faith in itself is a risk, trusting God to lead us into the unknown. This is Ruth's attitude. She was willing to go to a place not knowing what to expect. Sometimes that's a good thing, to just walk into the unknown, trusting fully in God to lead and direct us. It worked out just fine for Ruth. It yielded much fruit and blessings for both Ruth and Noami.

Can you cling to this God going into the unknown. Can we possess the same attitude as did Ruth ?

The will of God is spectacular. At the very moment in which we may think all hell's broken loose. It's in that very moment, God breaks through and reveals His great power.

Trust God by clinging to Him. When you say He is your God, you are putting everything into His hands, the same way Ruth did.



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