Book Review: Becoming A King - Courtesy Of Struik Christian Media

Becoming A King Morgan Snyder does a great job in speaking to men in this book. In chapter nine he claims to be a very introverted person but throughout this book, one would find that he is so much more. It's not for the faint-hearted, as he brings his own life into the light, admitting his mistakes but also at the same time acknowledging his achievements that would never have been accomplished without a relationship with God. He's quite open about his life, marriage, ministry and as a parent in this post modern era that we live in. Snyder brings more than two decades of experience to the fore as he communicates in brilliant ways the plan God has for restoring the masculinity of a man's heart. 'Finding the ancient path' as he explains it, is in understanding how God operates in the way he has created man. The age we live in has taken much away from man when it comes to his manliness and he goes on to explain how God chooses to restore that with man. Ch...