Changing Seasons

"Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command." 1 Chronicles 12 vs 32 (ESV) This was a time when men joined David in the cave at Adullam. These men were gifted in strategic military service. They were almost invincible. But my focus here are the descendents of Issachar. They were gifted with wisdom of understanding the times and knew what must be done. The entire world is experiencing a time of Changing Seasons. It's been one of the toughest years, but for those of us still alive, we have much to be grateful for and still much more work needs to be done. As the new year looms in the not so distant future. In fact it's just a mere 12 hours away(South African time). This is a time that most people will be preparing for celebrations of the coming new year. Others won't be celebrating due to the many difficult circumstances this past year has brought with i...